EMPIRE CLOTHING Made To Measure in Montgomery - Special Event Pricing through Fri. 3/28/25

About George

“The Well-Dressed Man
Will Always Have An Advantage.”
— George Wilder

george wilder


I was a senior in High School in 1967, yes I am that old. That was one of the greatest times for music, from Motown to the British invasion, which was in full force with the Beatles, the Stones, and the Who. It was also a time when folks still knew how to dress, a time of V-neck sweaters, button-down sport shirts, and vested suits, and I loved all of that.

At Mississippi State University, I worked my way through college selling clothes during the school year and selling dictionaries door to door in the summers. After graduation in 1971, I took an outside sales job to get away from retail and be able to look at it from another perspective.

I happened to be in Nashville for a conference and met with my old boss, Alex Gatewood, who was also there. Alex asked me to move to Tuscaloosa and run The Locker Room, the store he had started in 1964. From that moment forward, moving to Tuscaloosa was all I could think about. So Madeliene and I moved to Tuscaloosa in the spring of 1972 for five wonderful years.

In Tuscaloosa, I developed friendships with a great group of folks from Montgomery who would come up for football and basketball games. They encouraged me that Montgomery needed a good traditional men’s store. So we put together some money and opened this store in September of 1977.

The rest, as they say, is history. We have always had great merchandise but our success is because we have always had great people. I would not swap staff with any store in the country. So whether you love clothes or you hate clothes, you are going to love our store. We are going to make you look good and everyone likes that, just like everyone likes to be called by name. We’re excited about having you as our customer and look forward to our future together.

You have an accountant you trust, most likely an attorney, a plumber, an electrician, and a pest control company. You trust these folks to do a great job at a fair price so you can concentrate on what you do. That is what we want to be for you. I promise we will give you the best service and the best products in a fun, exciting atmosphere that you are going to enjoy. Thanks again for all your business!


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